Stripe Account Management: The Basics

This help topic is just a quick overview to give you an idea of what things look like within Stripe. To fully dig into all of your Stripe account settings, please see Stripe's own support documentation.

Stripe Dashboard: Payments

When logged into your account on Stripe, the Dashboard screen gives you an overview of your account, including how much your next automatic deposit will be, as well as sales volume, successful charges, and how many customers were added to the Stripe account.

To drill down and look at Payments, click the "Payments" link on the left:

You'll see the most recent payments, as well as a graph showing your volume per day over the last week. You can click on a single transaction to view its details:

Once viewing a single transaction, you'll see all of your purchaser's info as well as details about the transaction. Hover over the "Fee" amount to see the breakdown of fees collected by Stripe for the actual credit card transaction and the fees collected by CoverBoom for the gift certificate commission, per your current contract with us.


Note the "Refund Payment" in the upper right corner - you can use this to refund any transaction in part or in full, though if you really just want to void the gift certificate and issue a full refund, you can do that from the GCs tab right here in CoverBoom and Stripe will complete the refund automatically!

Ultimately, the "Refund Payment" button in Stripe might be more often used if you need to issue a partial refund.

If you want to issue a refund while here, this is what it would look like (the full/partial option screen). Specify which you'd like and click "Refund":

That's it for refunding!

Stripe Account Preferences

From anywhere in your account, click on the "Your Account" dropdown from the upper right, and select "Account Settings":

On the General tab in the Settings popup, you have several basic preferences to configure:

  • send me an email for every successful payment - recommended
  • decline charges that fail CVC verification - highly recommended
  • decline charges that fail zip verification - highly recommended

For more in-depth settings, consult Stripe's own documentation. Isn't Stripe cool?