The Reports Tab

CoverBoom Reports can be used for a variety of reasons. They cover everything from info about your clients to how many emails are sent out with your Email Marketing campaigns, to detailed analysis of your Instant Gift Certificate sales - great stuff!

The Reports tab opens up to the Dashboard, which provides a quick graphical summary of some of the most popular reports.

To the left of the Dashboard, you’ll see a number of different categories we’ve put to allow you to keep track of different records, cash flow, clients, and referrers for website clients.

Nifty Report Features

  • Each individual report "remembers" your last view setting - so if you always like to sort by amount and show a specific date range, you'll be brought back to that view automatically - neato!
  • All reports can be exported (via a new task just below print) to a comma separated value file (CSV) which can be opened by just about anything, including Microsoft Excel.
  • You can control which Professionals can see your reports using Professionals Security in each user's account


Client Detail will show you an overview of your client list, with columns for name, ID, email, phone, address, birthday/anniversary, registration date and whether or not they receive email marketing and/or text messages.

The Client Journal is a tool for you to keep notes/tabs and or follow ups for your clients, appointments with them, medical issues they may have, or any other information you wish to keep track of.  System entries are created as Journal records when you email a campaign to your clients, or when they purchase IGCs, etc.

GCs - Gift Certificates

The Analysis report shows some revealing figures about your Instant Gift Certificate sales.  You can specify any date range you'd like (all time, custom, today, yesterday, this month, last month, this year, and last year), and how you want to group the sales - day, month, or year.  If you would like to see individual GCs and their details, use your GCs tab instead.
  • First 4 columns show your grouping, total sales, the number of GCs, and the average dollar amount
  • Service %: percentage of GCs purchased for a service as opposed to a dollar amount.
  • Email %: percentage of GCs emailed instead of printed.
  • Delayed %: percentage of GCs emailed at a later date.
  • Existing Client %: percentage of GCs purchased by a client that has previously purchased a GC.

The Unredeemed report will let you know how much money (balances) are remaining only on unredeemed gift certificates. The type of GC (online, manual or retail) will be listed as well as the current balance, and the totals for the sales. This is a periodic report to run to get a quick snapshot of "what's out there" that your future clients are holding in their wallets and purses.

The Balance report will let you know how much money (balances) are remaining on unredeemed and redeemed gift certificates. The type of GC (online, manual or retail) will be listed as well as the current balance, whether or not the GC is expired, and the totals for the sales. This is a good end of quarter or end of year report to run to make sure your company is staying on top of the cash flow coming in.

The Cash Flow report will let you know how much money you’re making from the GC sales in general. It will cover all of the information in the balances section as well as giving you a running total of the amount of money you’re making selling Instant Gift Certificates online.

The Voided report shows Voided gift certificates for any date range you choose.  In conjunction with the Cash Flow report this is a good tool for accounting purposes.


See your online booking requests and successful confirmations all in one place - watching your seasonal patterns and learning from prior client habits.

The With Confirmation report, like the GC Analysis Report, shows detail about your Online Booking trends and behaviors.  You can specify any date range you'd like (all time, custom, today, yesterday, this month, last month, this year, and last year), and how you want to group the entries - day, month, or year.  If you would like to see individual items and their details, use your Booking tab instead.

  • First 4 columns show your grouping, number of appointments, value for total sold and average item.
  • Scheduled (dollar amount) and % are the next columns, giving you a snapshot of your success at fitting in the requested appointments.
  • Open and %: percentage of bookings still outstanding on the calendar
  • No Response and %: percentage of appointments without client followup
  • Unable and %: How many followed up but didn't get on the schedule?
  • Existing Client %: How many are repeat customers?


The Email Campaigns report will tell you in a glance the results of your email marketing efforts.

Each email campaign is listed by subject line, separately on the date it was sent.

Emails:  The number of email recipients for this campaign. If the number seems low, it could be that you have imported clients that have not yet opted in. To see those, see the Client Detail report and look for status "Pending".
Responses :  The number of recipients that clicked on a link in the email. This is not an "opened email" number - tracking # opened is actually close to impossible.  How many clients actually clicked on a link is a truer barometer of your really interested customers.
GCs Sold:  The number of Instant Gift Certificates you sold from a recipient clicking on a link in the email.
Appointments:  The number of appointments scheduled by recipients after clicking on a link in the email.
Conversion %:  The percentage of recipients that purchased a GC or scheduled an appointment.
Unsubscribes:  How many recipients unsubscribed from your email newsletter, by clicking the Unsubscribe link in the message. 

Text Messages is a log of SMS messages you've both sent and received, as well as system texts sent as part of routine client upkeep (subscribes, replies, confirmations).  You can view all messages grouped by date, with grand totals at the bottom.

This report shows the number of Click to Calls and Reply calls (like when you call a text message number) along with their minutes. It also shows number of outbound texts, texts to Professionals, and received text messages (1, STOP and other messages that are forwarded as emails to the org email address).

Failed or no-answer calls are not included in the counts.

For billing purposes, viewing a month at a time will give you an idea of how much will end up on your next month's CoverBoom invoice.  You'll also see Click To Call statistics, including number of minutes spent.

Upcoming Birthdays and Upcoming Anniversaries reports gives you a peek at your own clients' upcoming personal holidays.  


Glance at your Reviews from your clients in this handy report.  The review date is shown, as well as the source (Gift Certificate or Appointment), what kind of review is it (Gift Certificate purchase or Business review overall), and other important measurements like:  is the review highlighted, have you hidden the review, is it private only to you (not visible on your site), and did you respond.  The rating number is shown and the text of the review - everything at your fingertips!


The website section will give you reports on all kinds of cool statistics that we've collected:  who is visiting your website, where they are coming from, if they’ve purchased a gift certificate after visiting, et cetera.  Please note:  these reports are only applicable to our Dynamic Websites.  If your website it maintained by another company, you will need to contact them to obtain this information or switch to one of our Dynamics to utilize the reports.

Referrer is the location from which they found your site. This can be Google, Yahoo, or any other search engine.  Also, it could be from typing the website address in directly.

Visitors will tell you how many people have visited your website in total.  This is any hit to your home page, whether they clicked on a link to get to your site or have merely typed in the address.

Visitor Percentage corresponds to the number of visitors from different search engines and websites.

Average Views relate to the amount of people (on average) are having a look around your website. A hit to the ‘home’ page is not necessarily considered to be a ‘view.’

GCs Sold is the number of GCs that have been sold on your site. Each corresponding referrer will have the number of GCs sold after a client found you from a specific location (i.e. Google, MSN, Yahoo, etc.).

Bookings can be tracked through two places: the Bookings tab in your CoverBoom account and here in Reports.  Here you can see the number of bookings made, but for more details, take a look at the Bookings tab, which has a few more details available about the client and what they've requested.

The Conversion Percentage is the percentage of people that come to the site and actually purchase a GC. The conversion percentage is a success rate of sales vs. "just browsing" visits.

Email Sign-ups indicates the amount of email sign-ups you get on your website through the your built-in form or the events link.

Like the difference between the visitors and the visitors percentage, there is a Sign-up Percentage for the Sign-ups column. This will show you what percentage of the email sign-ups came from particular referral sites as well as coming directly to the website.


The Billing History covers any and all charges that we have charged you as our client. Under the history link, you’ll be able to see the past invoices that have been charged to the credit card we have on file. The invoice will be broken down into sections. The sections are Online Gift Certificates, Website hosting fees (if any), and Online Booking (if using the premium service). Any outstanding fees will also be noted in this section.

We rarely charge any other fees for services. If we do, they will be outlined in the invoice statement. These can be printed up any time you have access to the internet.


Most of the reports can be easily printed or exported to a CSV file for your further analysis or record keeping - handy!