Instant POP

It is sometimes hard to get a little advertising in when you’re busy. We have a tool that will help you to create a quick and easy way to get your name out there a little more. Create point-of-purchase displays in an instant to promote your great Instant Gift Certificate capability!

Instant POP will create a professional 8.5" x 11" mini-poster featuring your Instant GCs, with your logo. Just print (preferrably on a color printer), and post in your store.

They also make a great retail bag stuffer — just make color duplicates at the local copy shop.


Log into your CoverBoom account and go to the “Marketing” tab along the top of the screen.
Click on “Instant POP” on the left side of the screen.
  • Name:  Call it something!
  • Headline: You can put a short catchy headline to appear at the top of the ad.
  • Font/Size/Color: Choose from 8 different types of font, pick your size (on most pages 48 or so is nice and readable), and select the font color.
  • GC Category: Choose the GC design category you are featuring - samples of them will show on the Instant POP brochure.
  • Number to display: You can choose 2 or 4 gift certificates (from your GC category above) to display as examples.
  • Subheading: Let your clients know where to find your Gift Certificates!  For example, your website: ””

Choose the font, size and color for this section, just like above.

  • Narrative: Your catchy motto, a holiday-themed announcement, anything to grab the attention of your customers!

Choose the font, size and color for this section.

  • Use Photo for Background:  Make your POP really stand out - use a background image!  Choose a photo to upload, then select it for the background image, just like you normally work with photos in your CoverBoom account.

Requirements:  Must be formatted to fill an 8.5 x 11 page at 72dpi, which means 2480 x 3507 pixels, or very close to it.

When you think you have what you want, click on “Update.”

Once you do this, click on the “Print or view your point-or-purchase display (PDF)” link. This will open Adobe PDF and show you what your ad will look like.

***Note*** You may need to update the version of Adobe your computer is using to utilize this function.

Once you think you have the ad the way you want it. Click on “Save” and the design will be saved. You can use what ever kind of printer paper you want. You can hand these out as flyers, put them up in you business, have them laminated and send them to your client base as advertisements.