Posting IGC Purchases to Facebook

How your clients can make you a viral sensation on social media.

How IGC recipients get started

One of SpaBoom's neater features is the ability of Instant Gift Certificate (IGC) recipients to use the internet to talk about their experience.  We've already been using Reviews for years, and you can also use your Events to create an automatic Social Media campaign for both Twitter and Facebook.

On the other side of the fence - your future customers, those recipients of IGCs, can tell their friends how happy they are to receive the gift of YOU:

When they pick up their gift, they are shown the full-size certificate in all its lovely colors, along with a few buttons on the bottom to enable them to print the GC or to close the window:

That bottom third button (circled) is a little blue one that is familiar to most of today's web users:  the Facebook logo.

If they click on that logo, they'll get a quick little window asking them for permission to post to their Facebook page:

If they are already logged in, one click will get the post going.  If not, they can log in and be on to the next step - adding a comment to the post.  With or without a comment, their friends and family (or the whole world, if they change the security options on that post using the little "padlock" icon you see in the bottom-right corner) will soon see that their loved one has picked up a gift to your business.

What the Facebook Post Looks Like

Your name is featured, and an IGC link is created so that anyone can click and immediately go to purchase their own IGC, or makes comments, everything you can do with a Facebook post:

How That Long Paragraph is Generated

Good question!  We are simply pulling in your description for "Directories", which you'll find on your Setup Tab in the Basics Page of your CoverBoom account.  Scroll way down until you see the  "Online Directories" section, and the "Listing Description" text field.  Edit to be clear, compelling, and current - now's as good a time as any to keep your Directories description updated, especially with Mother's Day coming up!

We think this feature is super cool, and hope you do too.  Please call us if you have questions, and spread the word!

**Don't Like it? 

Don't want anyone talking about your instant gift certificates and how cool your spa is?  Well..... ok.  We'll let you turn it off.  Just go to your Marketing tab, select "Marketing Settings", and then uncheck the box to "Allow Gift Certificate Pick Ups to be shared on Facebook".  But really, you should try it - your clients will love it, your revenues will start creeping up as word spreads - it's about as much good without drawbacks as we can pack into one little feature.