Modifying the Default Expiration date and GC ID

Many states differ on the amount of time allowed for an expiration date, so we allow you to set your own length.  (If you need a special shorter-term GC expiration, you can find out how to do that in the "GC Types For Expiration" help topic.)

  • Log into the CoverBoom account and go to the ‘Setup’ tab along the top.
  • Click on the “GC Types” link along the left side of the screen.
  • Click on the type of GC you want to modify (Manual, Retail, or On-line)

Online will be the more commonly bought GC.

  • Click on the drop down menu next to the “Expiration” section.
  • Choose the amount of time needed for the expiration date.

Modifying the ID Number on the Gift Certificate

You are able to modify the ID number your Gift Certificates will start at, for sales. The most commonly used number starts in the 5000s. However, if you’d like to change this ID number you can do so by coming into this same screen and changing the ID numbers.

Please be aware that you cannot change the ID number of the already purchased GCs. You will need to start from a new sale and move on from there.