BoomTime Deals

The best way to showcase your business, offer perfectly-tailored discounts to new clients, and do it on YOUR terms!

BoomTime Deals puts group buying back in your hands - offer fantastic limited-time deals to your clients, set minimums, limits, and control every step of the process.

Getting Started

1. Log into your CoverBoom account

2. Click the Marketing tab, then click "Events" on the left side of the page.

3. Click "Add Event" under Tasks, on the left side of the page. 

Choose the BoomTime Deals type of event from the dropdown list:

FIRST, type in the Headline, a Narrative, and decide on your start and end dates - the dates that the Deal will be visible as a purchasing option. 
Set as little as one day (choose the same start and end date), or up to 30 days. However, we recommend deals that only last a few days: the key to BoomTime Deals is that they are SHORT and get your clients highly motivated to purchase NOW!

Next, choose what kind of Deal to offer: Featured Services or Percentage Discount. 

Featured Services selects the services that you would like to highlight with this special. You can optionally enter a special price, which will only apply during the date range for the special.
You can choose up to 5 featured services for your deal. Remember that each client can buy one of all of the featured services in one fell swoop. If you feature all five of your signature treatments, each deal-buyer can purchase all 5 of them. This could be a VERY good thing!

Percentage Discount - Set the starting value that you will be discounting from and the percentage off. So, you can offer a $40 gift certificate for 22% off, which makes it $31.20 (an oddball amount, true, but the catchphrase of the deal in the example below is "two days of twenty two percent off!", so work with me here).

Then you can choose the GC design that will be used for the Deal, and also add a photo to be featured on your BT Deal event (on your website):

There are additional options for BoomTime Deals:
Minimum/Maximum - choose how many of your clients need to sign on for the Deal before it "tips" and everyone can buy. Set a maximum number to account for scheduling and your resource availability.

Expiration - When will the Deal certificates expire? Because they are promotional, you can set dates a few months in the future to motivate your purchasers to come in.

When you're ready to save, you'll see all the details you just selected in one screen.  Check everything over, then click "Save".  You're all set to start promoting!  Click into the name of the Deal again and choose "Create Email" from the left side to send an email marketing campaign all about this deal - perfect for getting the word out there.

To help promote your new Deal, posting to Social Media is also a GREAT idea.  Here's a pending Tweet about another BoomTime Deal, all set to let the world know that there are fantastic bargains to be had: